My solution to the last challenge fro Beate and Ruffa. Phju, I'm done. :P It was all about freestyle. It started out okay, I think, with paint and journaling. But there were some embellishments I just had to ad, like buttons and pins. I made my own flowers though, so I hope it's freestyle enough.
Pins, staples and metal embellishment...
Bling and flowers...
And I got another Award. This time from Therese {Caspra}. To my winners there are 5 rules attached to this and they are :
1) You have to pick 5 blogs who deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material and also contibutes to the blogging community no mater what language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to the blog to be visit by everyone.
3) Each award winner has to show the award and putt the name and the link to the blog that has given her or him award itself.
4) Award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "arte y pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) To show these rules
I'd like to forward this Award to some great blog(gers).
Don't forget the RAK in my previous post! :)
Til dåpsbarnet
52 minutes ago
Wow, den LOen var kjempekul!!!
Har slengt meg på utfordringsbølgen ja ;) hehe
Skikkelig tøff!
du lager så mye forskjellig å flott:)
Og for noen detaljer, digger den!
Nydelig, Kristina. herlig foto, og så flott den var, ja.
Wow, this layout is so wonderful! The paint and the details are outstanding!
Also thanks so much for the award, I feel very honored! :))
Titter bare innom for å si :
Gratulere så masse med dagen =)
knalltøff lo med utrolig stilige detaljer.
ha en flott uke :)
grattis med dagen også :D
Grattis med dagen snuppa!
Tusen takk for awardern også. Skal prøve å få oppdatert bloggen min i løpet av dagen eller kvelden.
Klem fra Heidi
Kjempefin side! Gratulerer med award og gratulerer med dagen!:D
you rocked the freestyle! This is awesome!
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