Happy Birthday Adrian!! Mom, dad and your brothers love you so much! :D
My little boy is not so little anymore. Today he's 3 years old, but I often think of him as my baby, still. We celebrated with the closest family yesterday, so the house is now filled with cookies and lego.
I often think back to when he was born, and the pregnancy. The last months I went in and out of the hospital because of premature labour, and the doctors were so sure I would never carry through the whole pregnancy. But, Adrian fooled everyone, and he was born only one week before the term.
He's a really independent boy now, he wants to do everything by himself. He knows how to charm his mom, especially when he wants juice and biscuits. Just one look into those brown bambi-eyes of his, and it's very hard to say no.
I've made a layout of my man for a change. I got the idea for the title from Nabon. I made the pictures look old by using this page. Had so much fun making this one, love playing with several layers.
Supplies: Basic Grey, Prima Marketing Inc, Provo Craft, Dream Street Papers, Papier Valise, Jenni Bowlin, Hambly Screen Prints, Making Memories, 7 Gypsies and Tim Holtz.
And take a look here, one of my layouts used as inspiration.
9 hours ago
kuuul lo!!
Hipp Hurra for liten vakker tass som har bursdag.
Og Lo'en du laget er alldeles nyydelig og en skikkelig flott kjærlighetserklæring.
Ha en kos mandag.
congrats to your little man!! your layout is simply wonderful!!
Gratulerer så mye med 3åring i huset :) utrolig så fort tiden går.
Nydelig LO, hyggelig og morsomt og scrappe litt annet enn bare barna :)
Love all the texture on that page, great work!
Tillykke med din søn.
Jeg er helt vild med dit LO. Så flot sat op, gennemført farve og rigtig søde detaljer, f.eks uglen.
What a gorgeous layout, love all the details!
Nydelig! Du er så ram på vintage altså!!! Takk for inspirasjon!!!
gratulerer med adrian:)
og, kjempe flott lo,
masse fine detaljer og lag:)
Nyydelig Kristina, og for en vakker sønn du har. Gleder meg til å treffe deg, om ikke så lenge.
Gratulerer med 3-åring i hus!:)
Kjempestilig manneLO også!!
gratulerer med 3 åring i hus!! tenk så fort tia går!
herlig flott layout, flotte detaljer og ikke minst lag på lag. koselig kjærligheterklæring :)
gratulerer med 3 åringen.. :) Og nyydelig Lo du hadde laget...
stunning LO
Så stor han har blitt! Og for en flott LO!!
Jeg har utfordret deg i bloggen min, jeg! :)
Herregud, er han 3 år allerede? Tiden flyr! Nydelig storgutt og flott LO, digger detaljene.
another cool layout! love the vintage feel.. and all those ephemera. WOW! it makes the layout so precious.
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